I used to frown upon “negative” emotions because I was anxious about what others thought of me.
If I am scared of something, they might think I am a coward…
If I get mad, they might think I’m not kind…
And if I cry because I’m sad, I’m emotional…
But, according to Gabor Mate, a renowned physician and author, our behaviors do not come from our choices but from our environment. They are responses to what's happening around us.
In other words, our belief about “negative” emotions rose from our homes, schools, and communities. One way or the other, we absorb what our family, teachers, friends, and other people believe, and make them our own. But then, just because the majority think a certain way doesn't mean it's right. The “normal” way of treating positive, negative, and neutral emotions can lead to miscommunication, misunderstanding, and physical, mental, and emotional pain.
The book, The Language of Emotions, written by Kara McLaren, an empathy expert and CEO of Emotion Dynamics Inc., explores the deepest meanings of these emotions. McLaren created a “unified theory of emotions” to demystify the complexity of these inner-body forces and their function, unraveling their wisdom that guides us in responding to our feelings without destroying ourselves and others.
McLaren also wrote several other books about the power of emotions such as The Power of Emotions at Work (2021), Embracing Anxiety (2020), and The Art of Empathy (2013).