5 Books to Read When You Are Feeling Down

Books can be many things. 

They can be a source of information, entertainment, or education. 

But one of the things I appreciate about books is they are a provider of comfort in times when we are less motivated or sad. 

When I feel down, these are my go-to books to feel better. 

Book Review: Orchard of Skeletons by

Eli Wide depicts in his novel, Orchard of Skeletons, the aftermath of the devastation of the world rumored to be started by sick babies. He focuses on the other side of thriving communities, ruthless, with no rules, no morals, and no peace. Wilde whipped up a fresh storyline about the end of the world, robots, and war. He centers the story on the epic journey of two young people desperate to run away from chaos and anarchy. 

Eli Wilde is an English author who lives in the UK with his family and dog. He has loved writing since he was very young. He writes poetry, fantasy, horror, and literary fiction.